
i-context-contractsA contract dispute is often the underlying cause of business litigation. A well-crafted, clear and detailed contract can prevent future disputes. Once a dispute has occurred, a knowledgeable and experienced business law attorney may be able to negotiate a resolution or may need to take a case to court to seek a successful outcome in business litigation.

At the Houston-based law firm of Smith Adams Law Feehan LLP, our Houston contract dispute attorneys provide representation for corporate and individual clients. Our services include drafting, negotiating and reviewing contractual documents such as:


The key to a successful contract

At Smith Adams Law Feehan LLP, we employ the talents of a team of bright and accomplished contract attorneys who anticipate the worst and write contracts for the best. Our goal is to help your business succeed.

The key to writing a successful contract is not just to address the underlying subject of the contract, but also to anticipate potential contract disputes that could arise in the future. Our focus is writing unambiguous contracts that will stand up in court and that can minimize the opportunity for such disputes to occur. The goal is to set the stage for success in court should a dispute arise.